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Current Project (Dyson):


​Intelligent System: This project focuses on developing practical skills and behaviors in household environments by utilizing imitation learning algorithms and large language models. 
















Past Projects:


The Prometheus Project. Link  BBC NEWS Article   IEEE Spectrum   The Engineer UK


    Prometheus is a reconfigurable robotic platform with advanced exploration for confined spaces.  
Participated in the Mobile Manipulation Hackathon taken place in IROS 2018 Madrid. Link
The project was sponsored by Pal-Robotics. Our team got to the final stage. I mainly defined some manipulation actions for the TIAGo-PAL robot, e.g., serving a drink by the robot to a person. 
Participated in the DJ Robot Project taken place in Primavera Sound 2018 Barcelona. Demo
The project was sponsored by the SEAT company. Here, we used the YuMi-ABB robot to act as a DJ. Generally, my task was to develop some robot controllers using RAPID which is high-level programming language in order to define the robot motions and synchronization
Participated in The Kautham Project. Link
The Kautham Project is a teaching and research tool for robot motion planning. I was involved to enhance it with the ontological knowledge-based reasoning using the Prolog language, and also enable the tool in the ROS shell environment.
Participated in the European Robotics Challenge. Link
My task was to integrate motion planning with the Gazebo simulator through ROS, i.e., the KUKA_LWR robot can solve some manipulation actions. The information concerning our team can be found here: Link
Developed some cloud knowledge using ontologies for robot manipulation. Link
The knowledge can be used either for the task and motion planning scope or knowledge-based motion planning algorithms.
Participated in the following R&D projects of the Spanish Government.
My role was to develop a number of combined task and motion planning algorithms to deal with robotic manipulation problems.
  • Dexterous Robots as Co-workers with Human Operators (DPI2016-80077-R). Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain Government (01/01/2017 – 04/04/2019 ). Link

  • Mobile Manipulators as Robot Co-workers: Autonomy and Interaction in the Human-Robot Collaboration (DPI2014-57757-R). Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain Government (01/01/2015 – 30/06/2017). Link         

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